
Three fifths of UK consumers are knowledgeable about green and ethical finance, finds Gatehouse Bank

  • Three fifths of UK consumers are familiar with ethical finance (63%) and green finance (57%).
  • Over seven in 10 (72%) consumers of the Muslim faith are familiar with green finance compared to over four in 10 (43%) of consumers not of the Muslim faith.
  • Over eight in 10 Muslim consumers (81%) are familiar with ethical finance, while over half of non-Muslim consumers (56%) say they have very little or no knowledge of ethical finance.

Read the full report here:

The Gatehouse Bank Islamic & Ethical Finance Consumer Report 2024

Gatehouse Bank, a Shariah-compliant UK challenger bank, has today published new research on consumer awareness, perceptions and experiences of Islamic, ethical and green finance.

The report comes five years after the inaugural study in 2019 which examined how Islamic finance is viewed by UK consumers of the Muslim faith. This year’s report revealed a growing awareness of Islamic finance among Muslim consumers in the UK – from 77% in 2019 to 90% in 2024.

In addition, less than a third (30%) of respondents who do not follow the Muslim faith have at least some knowledge of Islamic finance.

Greater awareness among younger generations

The research revealed a generational gap in terms of awareness of Islamic finance. Consumers aged 18-24 years old were the most familiar with Islamic finance, with over eight in 10 (83%) having at least some knowledge of the sector. This marks a substantial increase since 2019, where only a quarter (25%) of 18-24-year-olds were aware of Islamic finance, making them the least familiar age group at the time.

Comparatively, just over two fifths (44%) of 45-54-year-olds and just over a quarter (26%) of those aged 55+ claim to have at least some knowledge of the sector.

Awareness of green and ethical finance

While more than half of all respondents are familiar with ethical finance (63%) and green finance (57%), consumers of the Muslim faith show a higher level of awareness. According to the data, over eight in 10 (81%) Muslim consumers have at least some knowledge of ethical finance and over seven in 10 (72%) about green finance.

In contrast, just over two fifths of non-Muslim consumers are aware of ethical finance (44%) and green finance (43%).

Interestingly, just over two fifths (41%) of Muslim consumers identify Shariah-compliant providers as more transparent and ethical due to not investing in harmful sectors, including alcohol, tobacco, gambling, adult entertainment and the arms industry.

Barriers and opportunities

However, lingering misconceptions about Islamic finance remain, with over a third (35%) of non-Muslim respondents and just over a quarter (26%) of Muslim respondents believing that Shariah-compliant finance is only available to those of the Muslim faith.

The research has also revealed untapped opportunities in the market, as just over half (51%) of consumers who follow the Muslim faith have never taken out a Home Purchase Plan and two fifths (41%) have never used Islamic savings accounts.

For just under a fifth (19%) of non-Muslim respondents, difficulty understanding how Islamic finance works acts as a barrier to using these products.

Charles Haresnape, CEO at Gatehouse Bank, commented: “The familiarity with ethical and green finance among UK consumers of the Muslim faith reflects the interconnectedness of Shariah principles, community support and environmental stewardship. In turn, this presents a unique opportunity for financial institutions to cater to an increasingly conscientious market.

“However, the research still underscores a critical gap in accessibility and education around Islamic finance for consumers from other faiths or from non-faith backgrounds. By addressing these barriers and misconceptions, we can unlock significant potential for even more growth in the Islamic and ethical finance sector, making sustainable financial products available to a much wider audience.”

Andy Homer, Chief Customer Officer at Gatehouse Bank, added: “It is encouraging to see growing awareness of alternative finance options among UK consumers of the Muslim faith, as well as an appetite to learn more about these products among non-Muslim consumers.

“At Gatehouse Bank, we have observed consumers’ willingness to align their financial goals with their ethical values first-hand, with nearly nine in 10 (87%) of our savings customers citing tree-planting as a key driver for opening a Woodland Saver*** account. This demonstrates a strong desire for sustainable and ethical products across diverse customer segments, even if more work needs to be done to further bridge the knowledge gap.”

This survey was commissioned by Gatehouse Bank and carried out by Censuswide. The research anonymously surveyed 1,002 Muslim respondents and 1,004 non-Muslim respondents living in the UK between 17th and 24th of May 2024. The research assessed respondents’ awareness of Islamic, ethical and green finance, alongside barriers to adoption and usage. The report was written by Rostrum and Gatehouse Bank.

In 2019, the survey was commissioned by Gatehouse Bank and carried out by Sapio research. The research anonymously surveyed 1,000 Muslim respondents living in the UK. The report was written by Ogilvy Consulting UK and Gatehouse Bank.

*A Home Purchase Plan is sometimes called a Shariah-compliant alternative to a mortgage.

**As a Shariah-compliant Bank, Gatehouse charges rental rates which differ from interest rates as they reflect the shares the customer owns of the property.

***For every fixed-term deposit and cash ISA Woodland Saver account opened or renewed, Gatehouse Bank plants a tree on behalf of the customer in a certified UK woodland project.