Fixed Term Deposits (including Fixed Term Cash ISAs)
For Fixed Term Deposits, if you make your initial deposit by bank transfer, you can send it in instalments as long as we receive the full deposit within 30 days of your application.
If your initial deposit is by cheque, we can’t accept instalments, and it must be the full amount. We cannot accept a combination of cheque and bank transfer.
Once we have received the initial deposit (either as a single payment or in instalments) you can’t make any more deposits for the term of the account.
Notice and Easy Access Accounts (including Easy Access Cash ISA)
For Notice and Easy Access Accounts, you can make extra deposits at any time.
Regular Saver Account
For a Regular Saver account, you should deposit funds into your account before the 25th of each calendar month, to ensure funds are received before the end of the calendar month. You can make multiple deposits into the account per month, up to the maximum monthly allowance of £300. If the deposit received is more than the monthly allowance, then the whole deposit amount will be rejected.
You don’t have to make a deposit each calendar month. If you miss a month, or don’t pay in the maximum allowed, you can’t carry over the unused amount and catch up in future months.