Our Savings App
Manage your existing savings accounts quickly and securely while on the move.
- View / delete pending unprocessed transactions
- Withdraw funds from your account, if your account allows it
- Transfer funds between your Gatehouse Bank savings accounts, if your account allows it
- Check your personal details and contact information we hold for you
To use our Savings App, you’ll need:
- An online savings account with Gatehouse Bank
- A compatible mobile phone or tablet (iOS 11 and above, Android 7.1 and above)
To register for our Savings App:
- You will need to be an existing Gatehouse Bank customer with an online savings account
- You must be aged 18 or over to use the app
- Although the app is free to download, your standard mobile data charges will apply
Download our Savings App now!
Click on the relevant button or scan a QR code below to download our Savings App.
View our Savings App FAQs
Example screenshots from our Savings App