Buy-to-Let Affordability Calculator
Our calculator covers Buy-to-Let (BTL), Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) and Multi-Unit Freehold Blocks (MUFB).
Our calculator covers Buy-to-Let (BTL), Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) and Multi-Unit Freehold Blocks (MUFB).
Work out the monthly cost of your Buy-to-Let finance with our quick online calculator.
Our Rental Yield Calculator allows you to work out the gross and net rental yields on any single property or your entire portfolio. You can choose our quick calculator or expand the fields to add more detail as you require.
Find out how much finance we could provide in around 10 minutes by completing an online Decision in Principle. We will provide you a personalised indication without impacting your credit score.
We’ve been around since 2007, with teams based in London, Birmingham, Milton Keynes and Wilmslow. We’re the fastest growing bank of our kind in the UK, and are a subsidiary of Gatehouse Financial Group Limited.
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